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We are thrilled to introduce Blocvote 0.21 (AI) - a significant release that addresses one of the greatest challenges faced by Direct Democracy advocates: how to present complex parliamentary information in a simple, unbiased manner which helps our members make informed and accurate voting decisions.

Although Bills and legislation are widely available on government websites and other information services, they are often composed in a way that is difficult to comprehend, which presents a significant barrier to members of the public who wish to participate in the democratic process.

Fortunately, we have harnessed the power of AI to overcome this challenge. Blocvote 0.21 uses an advanced AI model to summarize and simplify these documents in an unbiased manner, making them accessible to everyone. We always indicate on the app which information is generated by our model and provide reference documents for those who are interested in reading further.

We believe that Blocvote 0.21 will revolutionize the way we participate in Direct Democracy, making it easier for people to engage with the political process and make informed decisions. We are committed to continuing to improve our platform, and we look forward to your feedback on this release.

An example of AI generated content can be seen here

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